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Die Design-1Q-Interview-Reihe ist ein Projekt von Fabio Mario Rizzotti, der seit Beginn der Corona-bedingten Einschränkungen via Skype Interviews mit Designerinnen und Designern führt. Dabei müssen die Befragten 10 Fragen zu sich selbst und zur Designwelt beantworten:

1 What made you become a designer? 2 What is design for you? 3 What do you create as a designer? 4 What kind of process are you interest in? When you are designing a project. 5 Do you think perfection exists in design? 6 What do you think about contemporary design? 7 What do you think about the impact the internet had on design? 8 How do you see design education? 9 What kind of role the designer will have in the future? 10 What do you think the design world can do for this global pandemic?

In der 30. Folge der Interviewreihe spricht Gastgeber Fabio Mario Rizzotti mit dem gebürtigen Hanauer Eike König, der früher u.a. Art Director bei Logic Records war und seit 2011 Professor für Illustration und Grafik-Design an der HfG Offenbach ist.

Hier vorab ein paar Zitate von Eike König, die mir sehr gefallen haben und die sich auch problemlos auf andere Bereiche übertragen lassen.

„I find it even more interesting what amateurs are doing, you know, like designing without an education it’s very more inspirational than the people who are educated designers.“

„For me it was always more interesting to hear what other people are saying, without being connected to design. Also reactions on our commercial work from amateurs or from people who are not connected, way more interesting if someone from your field is saying „That’s amazing!““

„If you go out in the street and see what people are doing, like the non-educated designers […] that’s a decision they made out of the needs and it’s not perfect, but it’s somehow creating character or an identity, and identity is always something that defines you as special, as exclusive. If we all drive for perfection, then where is the character?“

Eike König / Guest 30 — Design Interview 1Q

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